hey! wait just a couple days ok this page is still under construction!

Do you wanna see every little thing I’ve ever worked on? You're on the right place, then! In this page I keep a collection of everything I’ve done through the past years, not just as a way to showcase the variety of projects done but also as a reminder of how improvement happens over time.

Here we go!


My final year of college. After a weird start, a pandemic and a quick pause for a US trip, now graduation awaits. What’s next? I don’t know. But I'll let you know as soon as I discover it.


rePraça logo with virtual square as the background

An interactive platform that lets users redesign public squares by rearranging urban furniture like benches and trees. rePraça encourages community involvement in urban planning to achieve spaces that reflect the desires and needs of their users.

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Fishing word with an illustrated fish and fishing road
Fishing game with a physical interface

The idea of this project was to build a fishing minigame, similar to the ones found in popular games, such as Club Penguin and Mario Party, but this time using real water and a physical fishing rod to control it, bringing the virtual and physical spaces closer together.

More details: GitHub

Fishing rod built in wood connected to Arduino
Screenshot of the game, player just lost a point because he caught trash

Project type: Game with physical controller

Softwares used: Processing, Arduino, Adobe Illustrator

Authors: Felipe Rabaça and João Pedro Mafra

Professor: João Bonelli

My main contribution: Coding and manually building the fishing rod

Donal Duck logo
Donald Duck comic sound design

Who doesn't like Donald Duck? In this class assignment, a classmate and I had to give a voice for him and his three nephews while also creating every single one of the sound effects, from the running to the explosions. Playing with sounds was a fun challenge and it also had a fun outcome.

Project type: Sound Design

Softwares used: Reaper (for recording and editing)

Authors: Felipe Rabaça and João Pedro Mafra

Professor: Werther Azevedo

My main contribution: Voice and audio recordings, audio editing

Colorful background with a musical note in the middle
Colorful Music

Do you know how to play music? Me neither. However, for this assignment we wanted to have fun with the sounds that each color could make. To explore our idea open the link below, allow the website to access your camera (it’s not spying on you, I promise) and point the camera to the most colorful things you can find!

Screenshot of a person pointing a color wheel at the camera

Project type: Creative Coding

Softwares used: Open Processing

Authors: Felipe Rabaça and Vitor Lima

Professor: Barbara Castro

My main contribution: Coding

smaller things

Weather in Rio and a travel button to fly to a different place
random weather travel

Still playing with ProcessingJs, I built this small page where you are taken to a random location on Earth to see how the weather is there right now. Most of the time you’ll land on the ocean, take this chance to see how much the temperature varies there too!

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4 different logos of each mini game developed
mini web games

For the games course we had to make... games. Duh. Each 2 weeks we had to design and develop one game based on a theme. They are the four games on this image, and they are all available to play on my itch.io. Collect croissants while avoids burning cars, play Pong in new ways, escape the fire... have fun!

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The year began with more Covid, virtual classes and an extremely slow vaccination program in Brazil. Everything changed on August as I went to The University of Texas at Austin for my semester abroad. I met great people and watched many 🏈 football matches (I still don't understand its rules, though)


Metro Rio app mockup on 2 phones
Metrô Rio

For the app prototyping class I chose to redesign the official app of the subway system from Rio, my city. The app used to be bad and it got even worse, so it was fun to imagine how much better it would be if I was able to see how long it would take until the next train without going through so many screens.

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Fishing word with an illustrated fish and fishing road
Arrasa Quarteirão

You’re a shy and easily scared monster that was created on a scientific station. One day something went terribly wrong - you’re now roaming around Planet Earth!... but you’re so big that you can’t help but destroy everything! Demolish all the buildings while you run away from the scientists that are desperate to capture you, earn points and... go to destroy the next city!

More details: Official website

Screenshot of a game level Get it on Google Play

Project type: Mobile game

Softwares used: Unity, Blender, Visual Studio, Figma, Github

Authors: See the project's website

My main contribution: Coding, User Interface, Animation, Story design, Playtesting

ihop logo
IHOP in Ghana 🇬🇭

This assignment from our Branding for Diversity course challenged us to imagine and design brands in different countries and cultures. I chose to imagine how IHOP, a place known for its strong american breakfast, would look like in Ghana. New colors and menu items were added while keeping the famous pancakes.

Branding made for ihop in ghana

Project type: Branding

Softwares used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Authors: Felipe Rabaça

Professor: Cheryl D. Holmes Miller

Blocado logo

Our class was challenged to design and develop small web mini-games as the course’s final assignment. We decided to make a version of Tetris where players can choose between 3 random pieces and position them in the grid. The game is over when there is no possibilities to place any of the 3 available pieces anymore. After the course was over, the professor emailed all of the students asking us to vote on which game was better, and Blocado won! We got a R$30 voucher on a food delivery app! We had snacks and a fun game :)

Screenshot of a person pointing a color wheel at the camera

Project type: Game design and Web dev

Softwares used: Visual Code Studio, Replit

Authors: Felipe Rabaça and Gabriel Libório

Professor: Jan K. S.

My main contribution: Game design and coding

smaller things

Two articles published on Medium
design articles

I had to write a couple articles for my Design Methods course during my semester abroad. They are mostly about analyzes of the scenario around myself with a Design perspective - the first around the university campus and the second comparing Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Enjoy!

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The most homemade year possible. After 2 weeks of in-person classes, we were sent home due to the coronavirus. The rest of the year was a mix of anxiety and normality, while we tried our best to keep designing and doing our best projects possible even if virtually.


Vaccine revolt game box
Revolta da Vacina

Vaccine Revolt is a board game that happens in 1904 during The Pereira Passos Reform, an important moment in Rio de Janeiro's history. The game brings historic elements, buildings and monuments from the city's downtown closer to the player.

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Computer open with the website landing page showcased
AeroRio website

The aeronautical club from my university was growing. We had already 4 national titles but didn’t have a place to showcase the airplanes and other vehicles produced. I designed and developed a website for the group, where visitors could learn the details about all the projects and the history of the club.

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Logo with a drawn character, the Curupira, and the Caminhos do curupira name written next to it
Curupira Pathways

In collaboration with a National Park in a city close to ours, we received the challenge of designing something to make the park more attractive for visitors. We decided to focus on families, bringing a new and more clear information system to the park’s trails. Signs with maps and details would be placed at the start of each trail, and their color would show if the trail is easy or difficult. To make it more appealing for kids, we designed a friendly Curupira, a character from Brazilian mythology who protects nature. We also designed signs to be displayed in the middle of the trails, where Curupira showcases fun facts about the park’s animals and plants.

Two different signs, one at the start of a trail and the other in the middle of a trail, with fun facts about a frog

Start of trail sign on the left and "fun facts" sign on the right. These signs would be strategically placed along the trail, enabling families to feel like they are walking alonside Curupira, our forest guide and protector.

Start of trail sign
Frog fun fact sign

Project type: Visual identity, wayfinding

Softwares used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate

Authors: Felipe Rabaça, Lucas Araujo, Milena Ferreira, Vitor Ourô

Professors: Priscila Andrade, Fabiana Prado, Flavia Nizia

In collaboration with: ICMBio and National Park of Serra dos Órgãos

My main contribution: Research, illustration, signs layout

Film, song and calendar icons next to each other

The city is asleep. Buildings are resting with its lights turned off, while traffic lights are flashing almost decoratively. The sun rises and the streets get crowded, filling with life an organism that, besides its constant chaos, has a rhythm and patterns. As the day goes on, many stories get written until stars get up in the sky. Lights get turned off one by one, and the cycle restarts.

Project type: Video making

Softwares used: Adobe Premiere

Authors: Felipe Rabaça, João Pedro Mafra, and Vitor Ourô

Professor: Monica Frota

My main contribution: Video recording and editing

Kalunga logo
Kalunga website

ergonomic research

Screenshot of the landing page of the website

Project type: UX Research and prototyping

Softwares used: Figma, Trello, Proven by Users

Authors: Felipe Rabaça, João Pedro Mafra, Lucas Araujo

Professor: Manuela Quaresma

My main contribution: UX Research and prototyping

smaller things

Two articles published on Medium
match boxes


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